We are often called upon to determine the cause of fires in houses, shops and industrial buildings as well as in appliances, machines and vehicles. We have experience in investigating the following:
- Suspected arson cases.
- Electrical fires arising from defective equipment, poor installation and tampering.
- We provide expert reports concerning the failure of gas and solid fuel-burning equipment.
- We also have experience in investigating explosions, covering the more common cases resulting from gas escapes or the improper use of fuels to cases where explosions have occurred from more unusual sources such as fine powders.
We work with insurers, loss adjusters, manufacturers, small businesses and private individuals throughout the UK, Ireland and overseas to determine the cause of a fire and who may be responsible. We can assist in the recovery process and ensure vital evidence is not lost.

In order to accurately determine the cause of a fire, its origin must be determined. After receiving instructions, we will gather information relevant to the claim/incident and attend the incident location.

We can respond promptly to allow repairs to commence quickly while preserving any information that might be pertinent to the investigation. A complex commercial fire loss can pose many challenges, such as the preservation and collection of extensive amounts of evidence, dealing with numerous Parties and investigating under difficult conditions.

It might appear that most of the evidence has been lost at a heavily burned vehicle, but our experienced Experts have the skills to locate what evidence remains and determine the cause of the damage.

We understand that there are many reasons why an appliance may fail, and such claims often result in liability disputes. To successfully determine the cause of a suspected appliance fire, we undertake an in-depth investigation and analysis of the scene, including an analysis of the individual products and their associated components.

We have the skills, experience, and capacity to react quickly and identify the cause of a fire. We can confirm whether it is suspicious, gather evidence, and, when appropriate, highlight our concerns to our principals.

Ideally we need to visit a fire scene immediately. However, the incident site may not always be available. There may be a delay, or new evidence may become available. We can review existing evidence such as fire reports, photographs, witness statements, or retained exhibits to report on cause, liability, and recovery prospects.